

What is a good client?

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A good client is a customer or client who is pleasant to work with, professional, and respectful of your time and expertise. Here are some common characteristics of a good client: ◉ They clearly communicate their needs and expectations, making it easier for you to deliver what they want.◉ They respect your time and expertise [...]

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What is a bad client?

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A bad client can refer to a customer or client who is difficult to work with, unprofessional, or unreasonable in their expectations or demands. See below what SOL SOLO considers to be typical characteristics of a bad client: ◉ They are constantly changing their requirements or expectations, making it difficult for you to deliver what [...]

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What is a client?

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In the context of personal branding, a client can refer to an individual or organization that has hired a personal brand consultant, coach, or strategist to help them develop, improve, or manage their personal brand. A client may seek a personal branding expert’s service to establish a strong personal brand, enhance their professional reputation, or […]

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